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> I'm not drunk enough to do that
Posted: Jun 20 2004, 03:16 PM
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Something I "discovered" while trying to do something blink.gif :

[State -2, ???]
type = null
trigger1 = fvar((gametime % 3)):= pos x

[State -2, DTC]
type = DisplayToClipboard
trigger1 = 1
text = "%f %f %f"
params = fvar(0), fvar(1), fvar(2)

What does this do? You can setup efficient stacks and queues! You can also nest the variables: var(( var (( var(1) )) ))

On a completely(?) unrelated note, V-ism r0x!

You might think that Elecbyte is dead, but this investigation has not been solved for years.
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Posted: Jun 21 2004, 09:28 PM
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Street Fighter III 3rd Strike addict

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QUOTE (Messatsu @ Jun 20 2004, 10:16 AM)
On a completely(?) unrelated note, V-ism r0x!

Not really unrelated, since this definitively helps to implement V-ISM. But, as you say, I´m not drunk enough to do that....

Thank you Mario, but the princess is in another castle.
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  Posted: Jun 29 2004, 10:38 PM
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Not really unrelated, since this definitively helps to implement V-ISM.
It's a joke. :P I have a working Vism mode in Sagat... minus a slight bug in the screen scrolling (incorrect spawning position) that I can't figure out now, and a few other kinks that will be worked out over time, it can be 100% accurate.

edit: I'll post when finished (probably a month from now since I am not very "Mugen active" lately :( ). Aside from the standard six+ helpers that are are needed (four of which use every int and fvar available)... there is very minimal additions to every code to fake a -2/-3 statedef for the clone: a nothitby, velocity setter for aerial states, and a changestate or destroyself routine to allow for combos and only one clone on screen at a time. Only real stipulation is that the clone can't enter the internal states: 0-50+.

edit2: I think this info could also be useful for AI in that you can "record" the attacks of your opponent... if strategy x was successful against move b by the enemy then do it the next time move b is performed. Sort of sad part is the helper(ID) redirection doesn't support expressions, but I imagine strictly variables also don't work either.

This post has been edited by Messatsu on Jun 29 2004, 11:25 PM

You might think that Elecbyte is dead, but this investigation has not been solved for years.
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