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> DoubleRes = 4
Posted: Apr 3 2003, 04:30 AM
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Yeah, they are fonts. Anyway, I had calculated that this double resolution stuff will easly save up to 70% of sprite editing time, if you know to correctly create a pallete. Mugen palletes already allows those who are original character creators to work faster, due they have up to 255 colors to use, having not to change them into 15 like in commercial games.

These are good news, but, the problem is... Winmugen will have this fully implemented? When?
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Cain Highwind
Posted: Apr 3 2003, 11:58 PM
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I'm just a little confused at a couple things that's been said. I'm not on "my" computer right now, so I can't see this for myself. But are you guys saying you never used 620x480 before? Because my computer won't let me run MUGEN on anything BUT 620x480

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Posted: Apr 4 2003, 12:16 AM
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no no, noone has ever used doubleres = 4. It's not a listed option. You can have higher quality mugen characters now. I started a new wip, and it's alot less pixelated then anything i've ever seen in mugen.
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Cain Highwind
Posted: Apr 4 2003, 07:49 AM
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Ok, I tried it out. Most fascinating! I agree with Jorge in thinking this must be some kind of "unfinished" feature (I mean there are several other options like that in the CFG file). The only thing is, I don't like how the characters look shrunk in some stages, and too many of the characters I have, have graphical glitches because of this (as shown below). However it's like comparing 6-27 MUGEN with 4-11 MUGEN. Creators could start making characters and stages based on this new concept, it's only a matter of time. Though I do hope Elecbyte finds a way to fiz the system properly so that it's not QUITE as much of a hassle

Oh and I wonder if this technique is applied to some characters (namely AOF size ones) whcih would theoretically make them a more "proper"" size AND make them look nice happy.gif

Man I'll post that screenshot later, I have to go through converting it from PCX X_X
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Posted: Apr 5 2003, 05:19 PM
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I had trouble editing my last post- i just wanted to change the pic

[attachment deleted by admin]
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Posted: Apr 6 2003, 12:36 AM
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As well as you could move this to WIP section :smile.gif

Ya may like to check his nose and mouth position. Anyway, keep up, good luck smile.gif
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Posted: Apr 16 2003, 12:46 AM
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All I can say is that this is great news for me. For those of you who remember, I am planning on making a full game with characters made in Poser 3. I have already released three of them (who will be completely redone from scratch) in the past. This technique will allow me to achieve a level of graphic closest to what I had in mind. The bgs for the game will be even better too. YAY, now I can get good CG quality for a change. Thanks a bunch. Oh, sorry ShinRyoga, this makes me want to work on my game more than Shiek (well, I'll probably work on Shiek simultaneously).

Poot that!
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Posted: Jul 9 2004, 05:42 PM
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I know this is a fairly old post, but I came across it, and tried the doubleres = 4 option. But...for some reason (unknown to me, obviously), mugen told me that it couldn't change the video mode: "Library (built in): Can't change video mode". I have Windows XP Pro (if that has anything to do with the situation...which I somehow doubt), and it's been running wonderfully. But, I can't get it to run doubleres = 4. Anybody know what might be up?
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Posted: Jul 9 2004, 07:22 PM
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Super Saiyajin Ninja

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QUOTE (DarkCloak @ Jul 9 2004, 07:42 PM)
I know this is a fairly old post, but I came across it, and tried the doubleres = 4 option. But...for some reason (unknown to me, obviously), mugen told me that it couldn't change the video mode: "Library (built in): Can't change video mode". I have Windows XP Pro (if that has anything to do with the situation...which I somehow doubt), and it's been running wonderfully. But, I can't get it to run doubleres = 4. Anybody know what might be up?

Well, you could have posted your question in the help section instead of reviving a one year old topic. I'm sorry, but read the rules before posting.

You're warned.

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