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> Little tip : About AI and walking anim, prevent char to move w/o walking anim...
Isis, Dahlia Noir
Posted: May 30 2004, 01:46 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 10
Member No.: 4460
Joined: 14-April 04

... when AI is activated.

First, I discovered that this afternoon, but I don't know if you (the forum staff) think it's valuable. So if you think it's not interesting, already existing in another ressource, or should be add elsewhere, feel free to do what you want with this post.

What was the problem :

I don't know if it's a bug only in the char I'm working on (a tream char), or the same for everyone, but when AI was activated, my char was able to move back and forward without any ChangeAnim, so with the standing anim 0. This wasn't really good...^^

How to fix that :

As it was happening only with AI activated, I led my work in the AI code obviously, and try that :

; AI walk Forward and Back (don't remove except if you totally disable AI)
[State -1, AI walk fwd & bck]
type = ChangeState
value = 20 ;Common State for walking forward or backward
triggerall = var(0) = 1 ;"simplifier var", this means that AI is activated
triggerall = (StateType = S) && (ctrl) ;the char is in a standing state && and have control
trigger1 = (vel x != 0) ;the char is moving back or forward

I don't have the bug anymore, the char always use the appropriate anim when moving back or forward, so that code seems to be functionnal.
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